Psoriasis is a chronic disease that has a very negative impact on the quality of life of those suffering it. Therefore, treatments that make it possible to satisfactorily control the disease in the long term and maintain a good safety profile are needed. Efalizumab fulfills both requirements. In this article, the potential risks involved in treatment with efalizumab, specifically the acute flu-like syndrome, alterations in laboratory data (leukocytosis, lymphocytosis, thrombocytopenia, hemolytic anemia, elevation of alkaline phosphatase and hepatic biochemistry), infections, neoplasms, skin disorders related with psoriasis (localized papular rash, generalized inflammatory rash, changes in the morphology of psoriasis, rebound phenomenon), joint manifestations, acute inflammatory polyradiculoneuropathy and hypersensitivity reactions are reviewed. The contraindications, presence of antiefalizumab antibodies, their drug interactions, use of vaccines and relationship with pregnancy and breast-feeding are also discussed. An adequate selection of the patient, detailed information to the patient on the benefits and risks and correct knowledge of the potential adverse effects by the clinician are essential requirements for satisfactory use of efalizumab in long-term continued therapy.