Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the normal cardiovascular and ECG parameters in freely moving minipigs and to use these data as the basis of pharmacological drug safety evaluation.
Methods: 7 Göttingen Minipigs were equipped with radiotelemetry transmitters (ITS). Aortic pressure (AP), left ventricular pressure (LVP), lead II of the ECG and body temperature were continuously monitored. Notocord HEM 4.2 software was used for data acquisition. Power calculations for the various parameters were done to assess appropriate sample sizes.
Results: We obtained excellent signal quality and found stable hemodynamic parameters with a low intrinsic heart rate in the Göttingen Minipig. After oral dosing of vehicle, the hemodynamic parameters returned quickly to baseline values indicating that the procedure was well tolerated. The heart rate dependency of the QT interval had to be corrected individually. A sufficient power could be achieved with a sample size of 4 due to the low variability of the parameters measured.
Discussion: These are, to our knowledge, the first data documenting the course of systemic arterial and ventricular hemodynamic parameters in the freely moving Göttingen Minipig over 24 h. As such, they may serve as a basis for future studies in which drug effects are studied in these animals.