Hard X ray holographic diffraction imaging

Phys Rev Lett. 2008 Jun 20;100(24):245503. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.245503. Epub 2008 Jun 20.


We determine the absolute electron density of a lithographically grown nanostructure with 25 nm resolution by combining hard x-ray Fourier transform holography with iterative phase retrieval methods. While holography immediately reveals an unambiguous image of the object, we deploy in addition iterative phase retrieval algorithms for pushing the resolution close to the diffraction limit. The use of hard (8 keV) x rays eliminates practically all constraints on sample environment and enables a destruction-free investigation of relatively thick or buried samples, making holographic diffraction imaging a very attractive tool for materials science. We note that the technique is ideally suited for subpicosecond imaging that will become possible with the emerging hard x-ray free-electron lasers.