Metabolic syndrome is a complex disorder associated with several cardiovascular risk factors resulting in a 2.5-fold increase in cardiovascular mortality in adults. However, over the last 20 years, the same association has been demonstrated in the young population, and it is also related to a parental history of the syndrome. However, the root of the problem could be a high risk factor profile for metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents, as it has been demonstrated over the last 20 years. It has been shown that the association of obesity, alterations of glucose and lipids metabolism, and high blood pressure are responsible for early atherosclerotic lesions at autopsy as observed in young people. The prevalence of several risk factors for cardiovascular diseases has increased in the Brazilian population, as has that of obesity, a cause of great concern because of its importance as one of the metabolic syndrome components. The anthropometric patterns of the Brazilian population have changed over the last 30 years from undernourishment to weight excess, regardless of age, sex, or socioeconomic level. The identification of such individuals, followed by primary preventive measures, changes in lifestyle, and pharmacologic treatment, should be implemented, aiming at reducing the cardiovascular risk in countries undergoing economic transition, such as Brazil. The measures recommended for that age group should focus on changing lifestyle through adoption of healthy habits such as avoiding excessive intake of calories, salt, saturated fat, and cholesterol and engagement in regular physical activity without smoking.