We report a fully integrated core-shell nanoparticle system responsive to glucose. The system is comprised of self-assembled glucose oxidase and an osmium molecular wire on core-shell Au nanoparticles. Characterization of the functional nanoparticles by spectroscopy, quartz crystal microbalance and electrochemical techniques has shown that the catalytically active shell has a structure as designed and all components are active in the self-assembled multilayer shell. Furthermore, amperometric reagentless detection of glucose and contactless photonic biosensing by the Os(II) resonant Raman signal have been demonstrated. The enzymatic reduction of FAD by glucose and further reduction of the Raman silent Os(III) by FADH 2 yields a characteristic enzyme-substrate calibration curve in the millimolar range. Furthermore, coupling of electronic resonant Raman of the osmium complex with the SERS amplification by Au NPs plasmon resonance has been demonstrated which leads to an extra enhancement of the biosensor signal. We present a proof of concept extending the work done with planar surfaces to core-shell NPs as an advance in the design of glucose-responsive chemistry detected by SERS-like methods.