Aims: Consistent and complete information is essential for medical decision making. Anatomic pathology as a diagnostic discipline has a central role in the exchange of information between clinical departments throughout the diagnostic process. The IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) has created an integration profile for information systems based on HL7 and DICOM standards.
Methods: Created by the IHE Anatomic Pathology working group, the integration profile (so-called Technical Framework) ensures the consistent management of data and material in the pathology laboratory information system (PLIS). HL7 and DICOM standards are taken into account. Communication processes both within and outside the institute are modelled using eight actors and 13 transactions.
Results: The IHE's Technical Framework covers basic business processes, provision of diagnostic services and includes requesting examinations, as well as image and report management. In particular, a consistent data model for incoming material, containers, cartridges and slides has been developed and approved by the standards committee.