A relationship between the gut flora level, particularly gram-negative enterobacilli, and the in vivo flucytosine conversion to fluorouracil has been observed in humans from the fluorine-19 magnetic resonance spectroscopy analysis of urine from two patients treated with the flucytosine- (6 to 9 g/day) amphotericin B (1 mg/kg/day) combination. Indeed the percentage of fluorouracil metabolites was extremely low (less than 0.6% of total fluorinated compounds excreted) when the number of enterobacillary colonies was low (less than 10(3] and higher (3.5 to 8.8%) when enterobacillary colonies were under reconstitution or in the normal range (10(5) to 10(8]. The intestinal microflora assessment may therefore be of high interest to predict the risk of an additive flucytosine-induced myelotoxicity suspected to be due to fluorouracil during flucytosine chronic therapy.