Determination of trace amounts of barium in silicate rocks and minerals by ion-exchange Chromatography and atomic-absorption spectrophotometry

Talanta. 1976 May;23(5):389-91. doi: 10.1016/0039-9140(76)80053-7.


Trace amounts of barium are determined in the standard silicate rocks and minerals, W-1, AGV-1, BCR-1, DTS-1, GSP-1, G-2 of the U.S. Geological Survey and BR, GA, GH, GR, UB-N, DR-N, BX-N, DT-N, VS-N, FK-N, GS-N of the Centre de Recherche Petrographique et Geochimique de Nancy and the Association Nationale de la Recherche Technique. After an ion-exchange separation, the analyses are carried out by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. The separation is performed to eliminate interferences due to matrix effects.