A method for the complexometric determination of aluminium in iron ore, sinter, concentrates and agglomerates encountered in international trade is described. The sample is fused in a zirconium crucible with a mixed flux of sodium carbonate and sodium peroxide. The fused mass is completely soluble in hydrochloric acid. The R(2)O(3) oxides are then precipitated with ammonia and redissolved in hydrochloric acid. Elements such as iron, titanium and zirconium are separated from aluminium by solvent extraction with cupferron and chloroform. After removal of traces of organic matter from the aqueous phase, the solution is treated with an excess of EDTA, which is then back-titrated with zinc solution (Xylenol Orange as indicator). Addition of ammonium fluoride then releases EDTA equivalent to the aluminium and this is titrated with zinc solution. The method is rapid. The precision and accuracy are excellent, and the results comparable with those obtained by the referee method.