Stripping voltammetry of silver(I) with a carbon-paste electrode modified with thiacrown compounds

Talanta. 1989 Oct;36(10):1044-6. doi: 10.1016/0039-9140(89)80191-2.


The accumulation behaviour and stripping voltammetry of silver(I) was investigated with a carbon-paste electrode modified with a thiacrown compound. Silver could be accumulated at the electrode in the absence of an applied potential by immersing the electrode in a solution of sodium perchlorate containing silver(I), then reduced at constant potential in 0.1M acetate buffer solution. Finally a well-defined stripping peak could be obtained by scanning the potential in a positive direction. The calibration curve for silver was linear over the range 0.5-2.5 muM with accumulation for 5 min. Studies of the effect of other metal ions showed that the silver was selectively accumulated at the electrode.