Background: Appendicitis in femoral hernia is a rare condition, which raises diagnostic challenge.
Case report: A 40-year-old man presented with painful right-sided groin swelling of 1-week duration. The area was explored, with presumpted diagnosis of inguinal abscess. At exploration a femoral hernia was found which contained a mildly inflammed appendix. Appendicectomy and hernia repair was done. Post surgical course was uneventful. We present this case with brief summary of literature pertaining to such lesions.
Discussion: The rare occurrence of femoral hernia containing appendix may be explained by different degrees of intestinal rotation during development or variation in its attachment to the caecum. Inflammation is due to tight femoral ring. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult. Management options are diverse.
Conclusion: We present this case because of rarity. Early surgery prevents complications.