Elevation of serum remnant lipoprotein concentration is an emerging risk factor for coronary artery disease. An immunoseparation procedure for remnant-like particle cholesterol(RLP-C) has been evaluated extensively in recent years. In addition, a new detergent-based method has been developed and applied to automated analyzer as "MetaboLead RemL-C" (RemL-C, KYOWA MEDEX CO., LTD.). Then, we compared the concentrations of remnant lipoproteins as RemL-C with those as RLP-C in various conditions. RemL-C assay was intra-assay-reproducible (n=20, CVs: 0.6-2.2%), and reproducible for 2 days in the refrigeration and for 8 hours in room temperature. This assay was also inter-assay-reproducible (during 5 days in the deep freezing, CVs: 1.6-3.0%). The available range for RemL-C assay was between 0.09 and 121.1 mg/dl. There were no detectable interferences from hemoglobin, free/conjugated bilirubin, chyle, and Intrafat. However, heparin influenced the titer of RemL-C concentrations. Correlation of values between RLP-C and RemL-C in 123 samples was excellent (r=0.924, p<0.001). However, different responses to intermediate lipoprotein fraction derived from a patients with type III hyperlipidemia were observed. In conclusion, RemL-C and RLP-C measurements may have a similar clinical significance. Differences in sensitivity for intermediate lipoprotein fraction between both methods may exist.