Background: Serum hyaluronate can be used as an index of hepatic sinusoidal endothelial cell function and hepatic fibrosis. This study was designed to clarify the clinical significance of the serum hyaluronate level as a parameter of functional reserve.
Methods: The study included 283 patients undergoing hepatectomy. Liver function parameters were examined before surgery and compared with outcomes. Patients were retrospectively grouped according to the presence or absence of postoperative hepatic dysfunction.
Results: Preoperative serum hyaluronate levels were significantly raised in parallel with the degree of severity of the underlying chronic liver disease. Regression analysis revealed serum hyaluronate level to be an independent predictor of portal hypertension. In 131 patients undergoing major hepatectomy, preoperative hyaluronate levels were significantly higher in patients with poor outcome. Multivariable logistic regression analysis demonstrated serum hyaluronate and total bilirubin levels to be independent variables associated with postoperative hepatic dysfunction. Patients with high indocyanine green retention rate at 15 min (over 15 per cent) showed significantly higher morbidity and mortality rates when their serum hyaluronate levels were over 180 ng/ml.
Conclusion: Serum hyaluronate is a simple clinical marker for portal venous pressure and a reliable auxiliary parameter of hepatic functional reserve in combination with other liver function tests.
2009 British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.