Objective: Because of the difficulties to manage the post-operative digestive fistulas (FDPO) and their disappointing results, the authors led this survey. It's objective is to identify the prognosis factors in order to optimize their management and improve their prognosis.
Patients and method: It is a retrospective survey during 12 years, from January 1992 to December 2004 in the general and digestive surgery adult service of CHU Yopougon. It included 86 files of patients aged of 15 years at least presenting a FDPO.
Results: The middle age was of 36.8 years. The death rate was 29.06%. It rose with age. The risk of death was multiplied by 5.54 over age of 55 years (OR = 5.54 and p = 0.012). The number of death rose meaningfully with the length of the diagnostic delay (p = 0.016 for OR1 = 1.64 and OR2 = 8.94. The death rate was raised more in the exposed fistulas that in the controlled fistulas (87% against 45%). In 50% of the cases the death occurred when the debit was superior or equal to 500 cc daily. Among the patients submitted to the medical treatment 69.70% had a spontaneous closing of their fistula in a middle delay of 27.18 days for extremes varying between 13 and 47 days.
Conclusion: The affection is very serious considering it's death rate. A precocious diagnosis and a fast and adapted management should permit to reduce this higher mortality.