Recent neuroimaging evidence suggests that the retrieval of a prior episode reactivates sensory-processing brain regions that were active when the episode was encoded. However, with regard to reactivation of the medial temporal lobe (MTL), the results remain controversial. In the present study, we used positron emission tomography (PET) to identify the brain regions associated with the encoding and retrieval of motion information. Specifically, we assessed whether overlapping activity was found in both the MTL structures and motion-related cortical regions during the encoding and retrieval of motion information attached to meaningless shapes. During the study, subjects were asked to encode moving (rotating to the right or left) and static meaningless shapes. At subsequent testing, subjects were presented with only static shapes, which had been presented with or without motion during encoding, and were engaged in retrieval tasks of shapes and motion. Overlapping activity was found in the right middle temporal gyrus (V5/MT+) and the left MTL (hippocampus) during the encoding and retrieval of shapes with motion compared with those without motion. These results support the view that the retrieval of specific event information is associated with reactivation of both the MTL and the regions involved during the encoding of that information.