Objective of the present study is aimed to determine costs of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) based on reimbursement agencies perspective [Social Security Institution (SSI)] in Turkey. The international clinical guidelines for RA are followed for analysing the direct costs. Data were collected from hospital bills, social security institution price lists, and Ministry of Health drug price list. Direct costs of RA patients were estimated as euro 2,669.14 patient/year. Outpatient costs were found to be euro 240.40. Routine tests during the year were calculated as euro 98.85. Ten percent of patients are hospitalized per year, and 0.62% of these patients received arthroplasty and/or other interventions. The cost during hospital stay was euro 87.76. euro 2,238 was determined as being paid per year for medication alone (including anti-TNF) and euro 4 is spent on auxiliary materials annually. Our data show a remarkable economic impact of RA over society. We hope that the cost of RA studies will help package price practices for reimbursement agencies.