Many patients will experience a return of symptoms after their initial revascularisation procedure necessitating secondary revascularisation (SR). The options for this second procedure are inherently influenced by the primary method adopted for revascularisation. Patients with single vessel disease are most suited to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for both primary and secondary revascularisation. The arrival of drug eluting stents, and evidence from trials of highly select populations has threatened the place of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as the preferred method of revascularisation in those with multivessel disease. At present, and without robust evidence, PCI is increasingly being used to treat highly complex lesions, such that many question whether CABG is still has a role in primary revascularisation. The consequence for SR is that currently it is increasingly likely to be in response to in-stent restenosis, whereby previously it was performed in those with prior CABG. The recent SYNTAX trial has reaffirmed the position of CABG in the treatment of those with complex coronary disease. Consequently we believe that matters have turned a full circle, and expect that SR in the future is most likely to be in form of PCI on patients 8-15 years post primary CABG.