Detection of early gastric tube cancers (GTCs) has increased with more detailed surveillance endoscopy using indigo carmine dye following esophagectomy. This retrospective study clarified the clinicopathological features and application of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for GTCs. Data collected for eight GTCs treated by ESD included clinical and pathological features and outcomes following ESD. Overall, eight GTCs were identified in seven (6.3 %) of 112 patients who underwent esophagectomy and gastric tube reconstruction. Almost all lesions were macroscopically type 0-IIa with mucosal to submucosal invasion, and seven GTCs were successfully resected en bloc by ESD. Submucosal invasion to > 500 microm was observed in one case with associated delayed perforation that was treated conservatively. No local recurrences of GTCs were observed. Detailed surveillance endoscopy using indigo carmine dye appears useful for diagnosing early-stage GTC. Furthermore ESD represents a feasible alternative to conventional endoscopic mucosal resection as a minimally invasive therapy for early-stage GTC.