Objectives: Substance abuse is nowadays a recurrent theme in the daily practice of occupational physicians (OP), mainly owing to recent legislation prescribing mandatory assessments for workers performing job tasks involving danger to third parties. While some degree of bureaucracy is inevitable and legislation seems to be inclined towards deterrence, it is recommended to take advantage of the opportunities offered for practical interventions which, in accordance with science and ethics, the OP can carry out in the workplace. Risk assessment, health surveillance, fitness for work, health promotion and cooperation in management issues are the areas of intervention required for the OP to fully accomplish his role in the practice of modern occupational health.
Conclusions: We propose specific activities for the OP so as to highlight roles and obligations, based on available scientific evidence and established codes of ethics. Lastly, we wish to emphasize the overall role of the OP in taking on responsibilities shared jointly with all the parties and in the approach to the substance abuse problem in all workplaces with the ultimate goal of acting for the benefit of workers, enterprises and society in general.