The implementation of the TDCR method (Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio) is based on a liquid scintillation system which comprises three photomultipliers; at LNHB, this counter can also be used in the beta-channel of a 4pi(LS)beta-gamma coincidence counting equipment. It is generally considered that the gamma-sensitivity of the liquid scintillation detector comes from the interaction of the gamma-photons in the scintillation cocktail but when introducing solid gamma-ray emitting sources instead of the scintillation vial, light emitted by the surrounding of the counter is observed. The explanation proposed in this article is that this effect comes from the emission of Cherenkov photons induced by Compton diffusion in the photomultiplier windows. In order to support this assertion, the creation and the propagation of Cherenkov photons inside the TDCR counter is simulated using the Monte Carlo code GEANT4. Stochastic calculations of double coincidences confirm the hypothesis of Cherenkov light produced in the photomultiplier windows.
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