Aim: It has long been a matter of debate whether recovery from aphasia after left perisylvian lesion is mediated by perilesional left hemispheric regions or by right homologous areas. To investigate the neural substrates of aphasia recovery, a longitudinal study in patients after a left single perisylvian stroke was performed.
Methods: Thirteen aphasic patients were H2(15)O PET-scanned twice at a one year interval during a word generation task. Patients are divided into two groups according to language performance for the word generation task at PET2. For the Good Recovery (GR) group, patients' performances are indistinguishable from those of normal subjects, while patients from the Poor Recovery (PR) group keep language disorders. Using SPM2, Language-Rest contrast is computed for both groups at both PET stages. Then, Session Effect contrast (TEP2-TEP1>0) is calculated for both groups.
Results: For the GR group, the Session Effect contrast shows an increase of activations in the left Postero-Superior Temporal Gyrus PSTG but also in the right thalamus and lenticular nuclei; for PR patients, the right lenticular nucleus activation is more important at PET1 than PET2.
Conclusions: The crucial role of the left temporal activation is confirmed and its increase is linked to behavioural recovery. The role of the right basal ganglia to support good recovery from aphasia is a new finding. Their activation may be more task-dependant and related to inhibition of the right frontal cortex.