Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is defined as acute chest pain during stressful incidents which is associated with ST-segment abnormalities and/or increased serum troponin levels. There is also regressive systolic dysfunction which is usually localized in the apical and medial left ventricles but there are no significant coronary artery lesions. The ventricular asynergy is also described in the right ventricle but is less common. Almost all the patients are women. The onset of this disease is typically triggered by an acute emotional or stress event or by an accumulation of trivial and repetitive stresses. The etiology of this syndrome remains unclear. Myocardial ischemia and reperfusion due to microvascular spasm, aborted myocardial infarction and related no-reflow phenomenon have been proposed as inducers of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. The temporal relationship between the stressful event and the triggering of the clinical syndrome as well as the report of elevated catecholamine plasma levels during the acute phase suggest a possible involvement of the sympathetic nervous system. A smaller left ventricular size and hormonal disturbances in women may also play a role.
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