Future treatments for chronic liver disease are likely to involve manipulation of liver progenitor cells (LPCs). In the human, data characterising the regenerative response is limited and the origin of adult LPCs is unknown. However, these remain critical factors in the design of cell-based liver therapies. The developing human liver provides an ideal model to study cell lineage derivation from progenitors and to understand how foetal haematopoiesis and liver development might explain the nature of the adult LPC population. In 1st trimester human liver, portal venous endothelium (PVE) expressed adult LPC markers and markers of haematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) shared with haemogenic endothelium found in the embryonic dorsal aorta. Sorted PVE cells were able to generate hepatoblast-like cells co-expressing CK18 and CK19 in addition to Dlk/pref-1, E-cadherin, albumin and fibrinogen in vitro. Furthermore, PVE cells could initiate haematopoiesis. These data suggest that PVE shares phenotypical and functional similarities both with adult LPCs and embryonic haemogenic endothelium. This indicates that a temporal relationship might exist between progenitor cells in foetal liver development and adult liver regeneration, which may involve progeny of PVE.
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