Oscillations are an integral part of insulin secretion and are ultimately due to oscillations in the electrical activity of pancreatic beta-cells, called bursting. In this chapter we discuss islet bursting oscillations and a unified biophysical model for this multi-scale behavior. We describe how electrical bursting is related to oscillations in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration within beta-cells and the role played by metabolic oscillations. Finally, we discuss two potential mechanisms for the synchronization of islets within the pancreas. Some degree of synchronization must occur, since distinct oscillations in insulin levels have been observed in hepatic portal blood and in peripheral blood sampling of rats, dogs, and humans. Our central hypothesis, supported by several lines of evidence, is that insulin oscillations are crucial to normal glucose homeostasis. Disturbance of oscillations, either at the level of the individual islet or at the level of islet synchronization, is detrimental and can play a major role in type 2 diabetes.