Introduction: Published studies on birdshot chorioretinopathy (BCR) did not provide definitive information on possibly associated extraocular manifestations.
Methods: Single-center cross-sectional analysis of extraocular manifestations in a cohort of patients with BCR.
Results: Since 2002, 118 patients (45 men, 73 women) were enrolled. Their mean age was 51.5 years at diagnosis. The most common features of their medical histories were: hypertension (32 patients), drug allergy (19), sinusitis (17), thyroid disease (12), otitis media (11), asthma (11); diabetes (10); cancer (8); psoriasis (5); monoclonal gammopathies (3). At the time of disease onset, arthralgias were noted in 23, ENT manifestations in 26, Raynaud's phenomenon in 6, headaches in 10, psoriasis in 3 others. Between diagnosis and cross-sectional evaluation visits, only the frequency of hypertension has increased significantly (11 additional patients).
Discussion and conclusions: No predominant extraocular manifestation of BCR was identified in our patients. Their ongoing follow-up may yet discern whether BCR is definitively eye-restricted.
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