Flow cytometry has become a fast, quantitative method for the classification of metaphase chromosomes in suspension (flow karyotyping) stained with fluorescent dyes. Such a flow karyotype (frequency distribution of the fluorescence signals) consists of several peaks. The peak pattern characterizes the analyzed chromosome complement. In many cases flow karyotypes contain a continuum of an unspecific background deriving from chromosome fragments or chromosome aggregates. For the quantitative evaluation of a flow karyotype this background has to be subtracted by a suitable background function. In this approach the application of chi 2-functions is described. The feasibility of this method to flow karyotypes has been concluded from a computer simulation of chromosome breaking under different conditions. In spite of the rather rough assumptions of the model compared to the complex reasons that influence chromosome breaking, the chi 2-function fits the background better than the exponential function in current use. The approximation of a Gaussian distribution function by the chi 2-function also makes it possible to use the same subtraction procedure for chromosome aggregates. The procedure was tested for isolated chromosomes of Chinese hamster cell lines under different states of breaking. For further evaluation of one parameter flow karyotypes a setup of computer routines has been developed for PC/AT and compatible computer systems. Different peak values of these flow karyotypes can be determined (e.g. peak mean, standard deviation, absolute and relative peak area etc.). The applied method is to fit Gaussian curves to each peak of an experimentally measured histogram by using an interactive program. Fluctuations depending on 'noise' may be suppressed by a 'k-nearest-neighbours' smoothing procedure.