Platelet transfusions, main therapy of Glanzmann Thromboasthenia (GT), can induce an allo-immunization against human leucocyte antigen and integrin alphaIIbbeta3. We have investigated in our GT patients the rate of allo-immunization and of refractoriness to platelet transfusions. From 1975 until December 2005, we have followed 17 GT patients: 14 type 1, 3 variant type; nine females, eight males; median age at diagnosis 9.8 years (range 1-44.5); median age at the time of the study 35.5 years (range 23.6-68.5). In our patients, 121 bleeding episodes occurred (24 severe, 37 moderate, and 60 mild). Ten major and 22 minor surgical procedures have been performed. Two spontaneous deliveries and three caesarian sections with five live births were performed; moreover, one late foetal loss occurred, and one voluntary abortion was performed. Sixteen of 17 patients have been transfused at least once in life with platelets and/or red blood cells (RBC). All transfused patients have been investigated for the presence of anti-HLA and anti-integrin alphaIIbbeta3 allo-antibodies. The positiveness of allo-antibodies has been demonstrated in 4/16 transfused patients (25%): isolated for anti-HLA in two; isolated for anti-integrin alphaIIbbeta3 in one; and combined in one. In spite of the presence of allo-antibodies, platelet transfusions have always been effective and the haemostasis was not compromised.