The anti-tumor effector functions of unconjugated MAb in cancer therapy are not fully understood. Direct cytotoxic mechanisms have been demonstrated as well as induction of anti-idiotypic (ab2) and anti-anti-idiotypic (ab3) antibodies. If such a humoral response is induced, then an idiotypic cellular response would also be anticipated. Human monoclonal ab2s which mimic a tumor-associated antigen (TAA) (CO17-1A) of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) cells ("the internal image of the antigen") were produced. These ab2s were injected intradermally to patients with metastatic CRC who had been treated with the anti-colon carcinoma MAb 17-1A (ab1). Five out of 12 patients had a specific DTH (delayed-type hypersensitivity) reaction of the tuberculin type, which was proven by immunohistochemical analysis of skin biopsies. Serum ab3 was demonstrated in 4/4 tested DTH+ patients and also in 4 DTH patients. Control patients did not show any skin reactivity. Generation of an idiotypic response induced by the infused antibody (ab1) might be regarded as an active anti-tumor "vaccination". Induction of an idiotypic cellular and humoral cascade might be an important anti-tumor effector function of MAb and should be considered in future strategies for such therapy in cancer patients.