To assess the ability of simultaneous cisplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, and radiation to substitute for surgery and radiation in advanced head and neck cancer, we have retrospectively selected from our phase II study a subgroup of 29 patients having primary disease requiring either more than a hemiglossectomy or a laryngectomy for control. Patients included 22 with stage IV and 7 with stage III disease, 12 tongue, 10 hypopharynx, and 7 larynx primaries. The treatment consisted of concurrent cisplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, and split-course radiation every other week for a total of 7 cycles within 13 weeks. With a median follow-up of 5 years, 86% of patients had preservation of speech and/or swallowing function. Median survival was 45 months, with 14 (48%) patients currently alive and disease free, 11 (38%) dead from their cancer, and 4 (14%) dead of other causes. The overall failure rate was 38%. Advanced-stage presence of N3 nodal disease and fewer than 7 cycles of chemotherapy received were significantly associated with increasing failure rates. This program of concomitant cisplatin, 5-Fluorouracil, and radiation produced control rates quite competitive with surgery and radiation and is appropriate for definitive testing in a randomized trial.