Family Health Strategy represents one of the major public programs in Brazil covering 5,601 municipalities in 2006 (91.8%). This study evaluated Teresópolis Family Health Strategy through information and perceptions of adults responsible for children around 0-5 years that used those health services. It was used evaluation forms answered by family in waiting rooms or during home visiting. Results for urban and rural areas were compared and significant differences were observed in some issues. Major findings include users' strong ties with the program and a highly positive perception about the children health status. Access was satisfactory as to use criteria when relating to regular care proceedings. Critical points observed include: low coverage of home visiting, bad access to labs and image exams and to systematic delivery of medicines. Rural areas presented a high number of children who treated acute clinical conditions at home without doctor assistance. Users satisfaction as to physicians, nurses, health community agents and services were high level. Users not regularly visited at home presented lower access to medicine delivery.