This study investigated the type and amount of medical waste generated from small clinical facilities in Taiwan. We sampled 200 small medical establishments, with few or no patient beds, to survey the wastes generated and disposed. The surveyed medical facilities consisted of four groups including private clinics, medical laboratories, blood centers and public clinics. Private clinics providing surgical, dental, obstetrical, and dialysis services were included in this survey because they may generate higher amounts of infectious waste than other specialties. The overall mean general waste production rate was 3.97 kg/bed/day (or 0.075 kg/patient/day) at all the surveyed facilities, higher than that obtained from larger hospitals in Taiwan, which ranged from 2.41 to 3.26 kg/bed/day. The highest amount of infectious wastes generated among the four groups of facilities were from blood centers (3.14 kg/bed/day), followed by private clinics, medical laboratories and public clinics (1.91, 1.07, and 0.053 kg/bed/day, respectively). The overall average was 2.08 kg/bed/day. This study suggests that the waste generated at small medical facilities ranged widely.
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