Differentiating a pyogenic cerebral abscess from a cystic brain tumor can be a challenge when using morphological and functional imaging techniques. Several studies on MRI perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) have demonstrated that enhancing abscess capsules have lower cerebral blood volume ratios (rCBV) than the enhancing rims of necrotic tumors. We report a 67-year-old male with a Nocardia cerebral abscess showing restricted diffusion in the necrotic center, but high values for rCBV in the enhancing capsule on PWI, therefore mimicking a high-grade necrotic tumor. Differential diagnosis between cerebral abscesses and necrotic tumors is greatly improved by the adjunct of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and PWI to the morphological magnetic resonance findings; yet there is still overlap. That an abscess may show increased rCBV along the capsule, therefore mimicking a hypervascular brain tumor on PWI, should be considered when attempting a radiological diagnosis of a ring-enhancing brain lesion.
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