Fibrocartilaginous tissues serve critical load-bearing functions in numerous joints throughout the body. As these structures are often injured, there exists great demand for engineered tissue for repair or replacement. This study assessed the ability of human marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to elaborate a mechanically functional, fibrocartilaginous matrix in a nanofibrous microenvironment. Nanofibrous scaffolds, composed of ultra-fine biodegradable polymer fibers, replicate the structural and mechanical anisotropy of native fibrous tissues and serve as a 3D micro-pattern for directing cell orientation and ordered matrix formation. MSCs were isolated from four osteoarthritic (OA) patients, along with meniscal fibrochondrocytes (FC) which have proven to be a potent cell source for engineering fibrocartilage. Cell-seeded nanofibrous scaffolds were cultured in a chemically-defined medium formulation and mechanical, biochemical, and histological features were evaluated over 9 weeks. Surprisingly, and contrary to previous studies with juvenile bovine cells, matrix assembly by adult human MSCs was dramatically hindered compared to donor-matched FCs cultured similarly. Unlike FCs, MSCs did not proliferate, resulting in sparsely colonized constructs. Increases in matrix content, and therefore changes in tensile properties, were modest in MSC-seeded constructs compared to FC counterparts, even when normalized to the lower cell number in these constructs. To rule out the influence of OA sourcing on MSC functional potential, constructs from healthy young donors were generated; these constructs matured no differently than those formed with OA MSCs. Importantly, there was no difference in matrix production of MSCs and FCs when cultured in pellet form, highlighting the sensitivity of human MSCs to their 3D microenvironment.
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