A 14 bp insertion/deletion polymorphism (+14 bp/-14 bp) in exon 8 of HLA-G gene has been investigated extensively because this polymorphism was associated with HLA-G mRNA stability and could influence HLA-G mRNA expression. In the present study, we genotyped 14 bp insertion/deletion polymorphisms in the HLA-G gene in Dai and Han populations in Yunnan Province. The frequencies of +14 bp in Dai and Han were 31.97% and 40.87%, respectively. The frequency of +14 bp/+14 bp in Dai was lower (8.20%) than that of Han (17.31%). Nevertheless, the frequency of +14 bp/-14 bp was similar in both populations (47.54% in Dai and 47.11% in Han). When compared with other populations, the frequency of 14 bp insertion/deletion of Han was similar to others, whereas the Dai showed significant difference from others and presented it's specific characteristic. We assumed that the distribution characteristic of 14 bp insertion/deletion in Dai might be the results of random genetic drift, but the role of natural selection cannot be excluded.