Using Betweenness Centrality to Identify Manifold Shortcuts

Proc IEEE Int Conf Data Min. 2008 Dec 1:2008:949-958. doi: 10.1109/ICDMW.2008.39.


High-dimensional data presents a challenge to tasks of pattern recognition and machine learning. Dimensionality reduction (DR) methods remove the unwanted variance and make these tasks tractable. Several nonlinear DR methods, such as the well known ISOMAP algorithm, rely on a neighborhood graph to compute geodesic distances between data points. These graphs can contain unwanted edges which connect disparate regions of one or more manifolds. This topological sensitivity is well known [1], [2], [3], yet handling high-dimensional, noisy data in the absence of a priori manifold knowledge, remains an open and difficult problem. This work introduces a divisive, edge-removal method based on graph betweenness centrality which can robustly identify manifold-shorting edges. The problem of graph construction in high dimension is discussed and the proposed algorithm is fit into the ISOMAP workflow. ROC analysis is performed and the performance is tested on synthetic and real datasets.