Objective: Using chemically extracted acellular methods to treat extracranial section of the canine whole facial nerve, to evaluated its effects on nerve structure and the removal extent of Schwann cells and myelin.
Methods: Twenty whole facial nerves were exposed from 10 canines [weighing (18 +/- 3) kg]. The extracranial trunk of canine facial nerve and its branches (temporal branch, zygomatic branch, buccal branch, marginal mandibular branch, and cervical branch) were dissected under light microscope. Twenty facial nerves were divided into the experimental group (n = 12) and control group (n = 8) randomly. In experimental group, the nerve was extracted with the 3%TritonX-100 and 4% sodium deoxycholate. In control group, the nerve was not extracted. HE staining and immunofluorescence histological stainings for Hoechst33258, P75, Zero, and Laminin were performed.
Results: After histological staining, it was found that myelin and Schwann cells were removed from the facial nerve while the basal lamina tube remained intact. The whole canine facial nerves (one nerve trunk and multiple nerve branches) had the similar result.
Conclusion: The canine whole facial nerve has natural structure (one nerve trunk and multiple nerve branches) by extracted with chemically extracted acellular methods, so it is an available graft for repairing the defect of the whole facial nerve.