Lead has for long been known to affect multiple organs and can affect reproduction in male and female as well as the offspring. The study was done to find out the level of lead in blood and semen of infertile men and to find its effect on the semen parameters, as well as the minimum level of lead in blood and semen that can have negative impacts on semen parameters. The study was cross sectional in design. Male partners of 57 infertile couples attending a tertiary infertility center in Dhaka, Bangladesh were recruited for the study. Blood lead was measured by the Graphite Furnance Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and semen analysis was done according to the WHO recommendation (1999). With increasing blood lead concentration there was corresponding increase in the mean semen lead concentration. Reduction of mean semen volume started at level of mean blood lead level of >40mugm/dl. Mean total count of sperm (x106/ml) started decreasing at blood lead level of >30mugm/dl with very significant reduction of the count at level >40mugm/dl. At mean blood lead level >35mugm/dl there was decrease in mean values for total motility and rapid linear motility of sperm. In 12.3 % of the patients mean blood lead level was above >35mugm/dl. Higher mean blood and semen lead level was associated with significant declining semen parameters.