This case describes a prune-belly syndrome patient who had a kidney transplantation and was diagnosed with Encapsulating Peritoneal Sclerosis (EPS), a rare but potentially fatal condition, mostly associated with Peritoneal Dialysis (PD). The definition of EPS is based on the clinical findings linked to bowel obstruction and on the demonstration of peritoneal thickening. Surgical treatment is the only established basic treatment for the condition. Prune-belly syndrome is characterized by the triad of deficient abdominal musculature, urinary tract abnormality and cryptorchidism. Because it is often associated with end-stage renal disease, PD is essential in the treatment of patients with prune-belly syndrome. The aetiology of EPS follows a 'two-hit theory': the first 'hit' is peritoneal deterioration, caused by long-time exposure to PD. This causes peritoneal disruption which predisposes the patient to a second hit. In our patient, PD discontinuation and renal transplantation are possible 'second hits' that triggered the development of EPS. This case of prune-belly syndrome has all the necessary elements for the development of EPS, and we felt we should report it as the peroperative diagnosis was unexpected.