Technologic innovations enable management of medical equipment and power supply systems, with improvements that can affect the technical aspects, economics, and quality of medical service. Herein are outlined some technical guidelines, proposed by Istituto Superiore per la Prevenzione e la Sicurezza del Lavoro, for increasing the effectiveness of the power supply system and the safety of patients and surgeons in the operating room, with particular focus on transplantation. The dependence of diagnoses and therapies on operation of the electrical equipment can potentially cause great risk to patients. Moreover, it is possible that faulty electrical equipment could produce current that may flow through the patient. Because patients are particularly vulnerable when their natural protection is considerably decreased, as during transplantation or other surgery, power supply systems must operate with a high degree of reliability and quality to prevent risk, and must be designed to reduce hazards from direct and indirect contact. Reliability of the power supply system is closely related to the quality of the project, choice of materials, and management of the system (eg, quality and frequency of servicing). Among the proposed guidelines, other than normal referencing, are (1) adoption of a monitoring system to improve the quality of the electrical parameters in the operating room, (2) institution of emergency procedures for management of electrical faults, (3) a procedure for management of fires in the operating room, (4) and maintenance interventions and inspections of medical devices to maintain minimal requirements of safety and performance.
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