Objective: To determine the efficiency and safety of capsule endoscopy for patients with intestinal diseases.
Methods: Given M2A capsule endoscopy (CE) was performed on 81 patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding and obscure abdominal pain, and the clinical data were analyzed.
Results: In the 81 patients, 9 showed negative finding, CE didn't reach the small intestine in 1 patient. In the other 71 patients, 132 intestinal lesions were detected, and the total positive rate of CE for intestinal diseases was 88.75%. The findings consisted of 36 intestinal inflammation, 24 angiopathy, 16 protuberant lesions, 15 mutipolypi in the intestine, 12 blood in the intestine, 11 single or multiple ulcers, 6 ascarid in the intestine, 5 diverticula, 1 ankylostomiasis, 1 intestinal dysplasia with internal fistula, and the 5 intestinal Crohn's disease. Ten patients with protuberant lesion were verified by surgical operation and pathology, and the 5 stromal tumors diagnosed by CE were confirmed by pathological examination, while no one of Crohn's disease, lymphoma and angioma was diagnosed correctly by CE. All images of CE were good. All the patients had no complications.
Conclusion: Capsule endoscopy is a safe and effective procedure, with a high positive rate, but the diagnostic yield is limited, which can be used for intestinal diseases.