Introduction: Worldwide, morbid obesity incidence has increased dramatically in the last decade and surgery is at this moment recognized as the only effective treatment with long-term sustained weight loss and resolution or significant improvement in comorbidities. Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) was successfully carried out by several groups as a bridge to future laparoscopic bariatric procedures with acceptable weight loss and reduction in comorbidities. LSG is considered a safe procedure with sporadically reported complications, such as bleeding or leakage from the staple line, strictures, delayed gastric emptying, gastric dilatation and vomiting. The aim of this publication is to describe complications of this procedure analyze different treatments of these events especially the surgical ones, reporting the technical management based on our experience and on the literature.
Material and methods: From March 2003 to December 2009, 294 patients underwent LSG in our Department. Complications are reported prospectively.
Results: In our series 294 patients were operated and stapler line leak was observed in 11 patients (3.7%). The mean time from the first surgery up to the first reintervention was 15.6±22 days (2 to 78). Only 2 patients (0.68%) had to be operated owing to severe reflux related with the sleeve gastrectomy and the symptomatology was solved with the gastric bypass. Intraabdominal bleeding was observed in 7 patients (2.38%), being reoperated 3 (1.02%) of them. All patients were reoperated by laparoscopic approach and the bleeding vessel was identified in all of them. We identified 3 of 294 patients with strictures (1.02%). One of them was located in the gastroesophageal junction and the other 2 had a central location. The patient with high stenosis required endoscopic dilatation and the other 2 were resolved by a gastric bypass cutting the stomach proximal to the stricture. The global mortality was 0%. All of the patients were reoperated by laparoscopy.
Conclusion: LSG is a feasible bariatric procedure carried out increasingly in the last few years with low postoperative complications. Regardless, the knowledge of the potential complications associated to LSG and their management is crucial for patient's safety.