Background: Giardia lamblia is ubiquitous in multiple communities of nonindustrialized nations. Genotypes A1, A2, and B (Nash groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively) are found in humans, whereas genotypes C and D are typically found in dogs. However, genotypes A and B have occasionally been identified in dogs.
Methods: Fecal Giardia isolates from 22 families and their dogs, living in Pampas de San Juan, were collected over 7 weeks in 2002 and 6 weeks in 2003. Samples were genotyped, followed by sequencing and haplotyping of many of these isolates by using loci on chromosomes 3 and 5.
Results: Human infections were all caused by isolates of genotypes A2 and B. Human coinfections with genotypes A2 and B were common, and the reassortment pattern of different subtypes of A2 isolates supports prior observations that suggested recombination among genotype A2 isolates. All dogs had genotypes C and/or D, with one exception of a dog with a mixed B/D genotype infection.
Conclusions: In a region of high endemicity where infected dogs and humans constantly commingle, different genotypes of Giardia are almost always found in dogs and humans, suggesting that zoonotic transmission is very uncommon.