Objective: To investigate the tissue distribution of berberine in rats after oral administration of Rhizoma Coptidis with Cortex Cinnamomi powder.
Method: After oral administration of Rhizoma Coptidis powder and Rhizoma Coptidis with Cortex Cinnamomi powder (6:1) at the dosage of 6 g x kg(-1) and 6.6 g x kg(-1) respectively per day for 1 week, the drug concentrations in various tissues were determined by HPLC method. The variations of berberine concentrations in tissues of two treated group of rats were compared by t test using software of SAS.
Result: With repeated administration of Rhizoma Coptidis powder, berberine distributed widely in tissues of rats and the concentrations of berberine in tissues increased, yet berberine existed mainly in liver. Berberine concentrations in all organs investigated in the group of rats treated with Rhizoma Coptidis and Cortex Cinnamomi powder showed obvious difference with those of the group of rats treated with Rhizoma Coptidis powder (P < 0.01). The berberine concentrations increased in heart, liver and kidney, while decreased in spleen and lung.
Conclusion: Rhizoma Coptidis coadministration with Cortex Cinnamomi can obviously change the distribution of berberine in rat organs.