Aim: To demonstrate treatment efficacy of bacteriocin S760 synthesized by Enterococcus faecium 760 for septic Salmonella infection in mice.
Materials and methods: One hundred mice, which were intraperitoneally inoculated with 100 LD50 of Salmonella enteritidis strain 92 Rif(r), received bacteriocin 1 hour (prevention) or 48 hours (treatment) after inoculation in doses 25, 50, or 100 mg/kg every 6 hours during 5 or 10 days.
Results: Use of peptide S760 for prophylaxis in dose 50 mg/kg during 10 days prevented lethal infection in 100% of animals, whereas its use for treatment cured 70% of animals with generalized salmonellosis. Shortening of treatment course from 10 to 5 days and reducing dose of bacteriocin led to less pronounced treatment effect but in all animals it was expressed by increase of mean length of life compared to control (not treated).
Conclusion: Obtained results demonstrated high treatment efficacy of bacteriocin S760 during septic salmonellosis and perspectives of its use in medicine and animal health.