Prostatic endoscopic resection (TURP) is a reference method in the treatment of prostatic obstruction. In the past decades, the method used a monopolar resectoscope. In the last years, various technologies have been studied to improve the efficacy of endoscopic resection. As per our experience, we have thence ascertained the variations of the hematic crasis and of the mictional asset in TURP patients treated with bipolar knives. 20 patients underwent bipolar plasmakinetic resection of the prostate. Their age ranged between 58 yrs and 82 yrs (av.: 70.2 yrs), the adenoma volume, checked with TR ultrasound scanning, was between 33 and 44 cc (av.: 37.6), the Qmax was between 6.4 and 9.0 mL/min (av.: 7.42 mL/min). A 24Ch resectoscope and spinal anesthesia were used. Bleeding during resection was never relevant; therefore resection never had to be stopped. After about 36 hours from surgery, the patients' sanguification was checked again: a 6.53% reduction of the number of erythrocytes, compared to pre-surgery data, was observed, together with a 6.73% decrease of hemoglobin concentration, and a 6.3% decrease of hematocrit. Continuous irrigation was suspended during the first day, catheter was removed on the 48th hour in 15 cases, and on the 72nd in 5 cases: the patients were discharged on day 3 in 16 cases, and on day 4 in 4 cases. A flux evaluation was performed after 3 months, which showed a Qmax between 16.6 and 24 mL/min (av.: 19.11), with a significant increase in the maximum flow rate. The use of the new technologies in prostatic endoscopic resection has allowed us to improve the efficacy of such a method. Above all, the use of a bipolar electrosurgical knife enables us to associate a basal hemostasis with the resection of the prostatic tissue. Thus, the hematic loss is low, as we have been able to ascertain also in our own experience. This gave us the possibility to quickly stop continuous irrigation and to early remove the catheter. This way, hospitalization was sensibly reduced (av. 76.8 hours). The maximum flow rate, in the short term, has been good. We have been able, in our experience, to assess that this technology represents a useful guarantee to improve the results of prostatic endoscopic resection.