The distribution of orexinergic cell bodies and terminal networks within the brains of two species of African mole rat (Cape-dune mole rat--Bathyergus suillus and highveld mole rat--Cryptomys hottentotus) were identified using immunohistochemistry for orexin-A. The aim of the study was to investigate possible differences in the nuclear complement and terminal distribution of this system by comparing those of the mole rats to published studies of other rodents and mammals. The wild-caught mole rats used in this study live a subterranean lifestyle and are well known for their regressed visual system, which may lead to the prediction of differences in the distribution of the cell bodies and the terminal networks; however, we found that both species of mole rat displayed orexinergic nuclei limited to the hypothalamus in regions similar to those previously reported for other rodent and mammalian species. No immunoreactive neurons could be identified, in either species of mole rat within the anterior hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, as has been reported for Murid rodents. The terminal networks, while remaining similar between the species, are more strongly expressed in the Cape-dune mole rat than in the highveld mole rat.
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