Background: There is increasing evidence of default mode network (DMN) dysfunction in schizophrenia. It has also been suggested that brain structural changes are maximal in a medial frontal area which overlaps with the anterior midline node of this network.
Methods: Brain deactivations were examined in 14 schizophrenic patients and 14 controls during performance of two tasks requiring identification or labelling of facial emotions. Grey matter and white matter volumes were compared using voxel-based morphometry.
Results: Relative to the controls, the schizophrenic patients showed failure to deactivate in the anterior and posterior midline nodes of the default mode network, as well as other areas considered to be part of the network. Grey matter volume reductions in the patients were found in medial cortical regions which overlapped with the same parts of the network. The functional and structural changes showed significant correlations in a number of medial cortical areas.
Conclusions: Failure of deactivation in the default mode network is seen in schizophrenic patients when they perform facial emotion tasks. This failure is more extensive than that seen during performance of working memory tasks. The study also supports recent findings of brain structural changes in schizophrenia in the territory of the default mode network.
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