The mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) technology still represents a key source of reagents for research and clinical diagnosis, although it is relatively inefficient and expensive and therefore unsuitable for high-throughput production against a vast repertoire of antigens. In this article, we describe a protocol that combines the immunization of individual mice with complex mixtures of influenza virus strains and a microarray-based immunoassay procedure to perform a parallel screening against the viral antigens. The protocol involves testing the supernatants of somatic cell hybrids against a capture substratum containing an array of different antigens. For each fusion experiment, we carried out more than 25,000 antigen-antibody reactivity tests in less than a week, a throughput that is two orders of magnitude higher than that of traditional antibody detection assays such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and immunofluorescence. Using a limited number of mice, we can develop a vast repertoire of mAbs directed against nuclear and surface proteins of several human and avian influenza virus strains.