Quantitative laser atom probe analyses of hydrogenation-disproportionated Nd-Fe-B powders

Ultramicroscopy. 2011 May;111(6):615-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2010.11.015. Epub 2010 Nov 19.


We report a successful atom probe tomography of hydrides in hydrogenation-disproportionated Nd-Fe-B powder using a green femtosecond laser. The atom probe specimens were prepared from one particle of powder using the focused ion beam lift-out method. The atom probe tomography taken from an α-Fe/NdH(2) structure suggested that B and Ga (trace added element) were partitioned in the NdH(2) phase. The hydrogen concentration of 64 at% determined from the atom probe analysis was in excellent agreement with the stoichiometry of the NdH(2) phase.