Competitive counterion binding of sodium and calcium to micelles, and mixed micellization have been investigated in the systems sodium dodecylsulfate (NaDS)/sodium decylsulfate (NaDeS) and NaDS/sodium 4-octylbenzenesulfonate (NaOBS) in order to accurately model the activity of the relevant species in solution. The critical micelle concentration (CMC) and equilibrium micelle compositions of mixtures of these anionic surfactants, which is necessary for determining fractional counterion binding measurements, is thermodynamically modeled by regular solution theory. The mixed micelle is ideal (the regular solution parameter β(M)=0) for the NaDS/NaOBS system, while the mixed micelle for NaDS/NaDeS has β(M)=-1.05 indicating a slight synergistic interaction. Counterion binding of sodium to the micelle is influenced by the calcium ion concentration, and vice versa. However, the total degree of counterion binding is essentially constant at approximately 0.65 charge negation at the micelle's surface. The counterion binding coefficients can be quantitatively modeled using a simple equilibrium model relating concentrations of bound and unbound counterions.
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